人體交易 : 探尋全球器官掮客, 骨頭小偷, 血液農夫和兒童販子的蹤跡

史考特{????}卡尼(Scott Carney)著 ; 姚怡平譯
麥田出版, 2012
311 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
LS resource withdrawn (3/F)548.5 2078Withdrawn / Closed stack
  • 譯自: The red market : on the trail of the world's organ brokers, bone thieves, blood farmers, and child traffickers.
  • 台北市 : 麥田出版
  • 9789861737348
  • http://library.twghwfns.edu.hk/opac/bib/ALDF


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