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Quicktime and Movieplayer Pro 3 for Windows and Macintosh

Judith Stern, Robert Lettieri
Peachpit Press, 1998

館藏地 索書號 現狀

Design for new media : interaction design for multimedia and the web

Lon Barfield
Pearson Addison Wesley, 2004

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Show me Macreomedia Flash MX 2004

Andy Anderson, Mark Del Lima, Steve Johnson
Que Publishing, 2004

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Flash MX 2004 magic

Michelangelo Capraro...[et. al.]
New Riders, 2004

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Dreamweaver MX 2004 magic

Massimo Foti...[et.al.]
New Riders, 2004

館藏地 索書號 現狀

Instagram : how Kevin Systrom & Mike Krieger changed the way we take and share photos

Rosa Waters
Mason Crest, 2015

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Facebook : how Mark Zuckerberg connected more than a billion friends

Celicia Scott
Mason Crest, 2015

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Google : how Larry Page & Sergey Brin changed the way we search the web

Aurelia Jackson
Mason Crest, 2015

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Participating in plays, skits, and debates : with cool new digital tools

Barbara Gottfried Hollander
Rosen Central, c2014

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Mark Zuckerberg

Dennis Fertig
Heinemann Library, c2013

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How Does Streaming Work?

M.M. Eboch
Capstone, 2021

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College