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藝文, [n.d.]

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牛頓出版社, 1984

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John Boslough
牛頓出版社, 1993

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A-Level Microeconomics

Pun Lee Lam
Macmillan, [n.d.]

館藏地 索書號 現狀

A/L Economics Multiple Choice Questions & Test Paper Macro-Economics

Kwai Ming
Longman, [n.d.]

館藏地 索書號 現狀

A/L Economics Multiple Choice Questions & Test Paper Macro-Economics

Kwai Ming
Longman, [n.d.]

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Macro-Economics Analysis (AL Exam.)

W.M. Wu
Goodman, 1991

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Macroeconomic Theory

Eugene Diulio
McGraw-Hill, c1990

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L.K.M. L.P.L
Longman, [n.d.]

館藏地 索書號 現狀


L.K.M. L.P.L
Longman, [n.d.]

館藏地 索書號 現狀


Man Por Leung
Hung Fung, [n.d.]

館藏地 索書號 現狀


Robert J. Gordon
5th edition.. Scott, c1990

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Michael Parkin
2nd edition.. Prentice Hall, c1992

館藏地 索書號 現狀

Macroeconomics : Concepts, Theories and Policies

Thomas Dernburg
7th edition.. McGraw-Hill International, c1985

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Macroeconomics Asia Student Edition

Dernburg Mcdongall
6th edition.. McGraw-Hill, c1980

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Macroeconomics Theory

Eugene A. Diulio
McGraw-Hill, c1974

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Macroeconomics Theory and Policy

Fred R. Glahe
H.B.J., [n.d.]

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Problems and Applications in Macroeconomics

K.Y. Cheung. H.K. Leung, F.L. Yu
Goodman, 1987

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Study Guide Advanced Level Macroeconomics

3rd Ed.

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Macroeconomics : theories & policies

Richard T. Froyen
5th edition.. Prentice-Hall, 1996

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College