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A comprehensive Grammar of the English Language

Randolph Quirk
Longman, [n.d.]

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An A-Z of English grammar and usage

Geoffrey Leech
Edward Arnold, 1989

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A communicative grammar of English

Geoffrey Leech
ELBS, 1973

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A communicative grammar of English

Geoffrey Leech
ELBS, 1984

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English Grammar

Robyn Gee
Usborne, [n.d.]

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English grammar

Robyn Gee
Usborne, 1983

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Collins cobuild : English grammar exercises

Katy Shaw
Collins, 1991

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English guides 1 : preposition

Harper Collins, 1991

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English Idioms and how to use them

Jennifer Seidl
OUP, [n.d.]

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English sentence structure

Y.C. Jupp
H.E.B., 1984

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English the Easy Way

Harriet Diamond
Barrons Educational, [n.d.]

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Essential English Grammar

Philip Gucker
Dover, [n.d.]

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A grammar of Contemporary English

Randolph Quirk
Longman, 1972

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The key to English Prepositions 1

Collier Macmillan, [n.d.]

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Longman English grammar

L.G. Alexander
Longman, 1988

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A practical English grammar : exercises 1

A.J. Thomson, A.V. Martinet
ELBS, 1980

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A Practical English Grammar: Exercises 2

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An a-z of English grammar & usage

Geoffrey Leech
Addison Wesley Longman, 1996

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A practical English grammar

A.J. Thomason, A.V. Martinet
3rd edition.. OUP, 1980

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A practical English grammar

A.J. Thomson, A.V. Martinet
Oxford University Press, 1984

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College