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English For HKCEE Examination Paper 1 (with 2 tapes)

Jonathan Chamberlain
Witman, [n.d.]

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English Guide (2)

Harper Collins, [n.d.]

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English Guide 2 : Word Formation

Collins Cobuild, [n.d.]

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Composition and letter writing

G. Christen
Singapore Book Emporium, [n.d.]

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The right word

W.S. Fowler
Addison Wesley Longman, 1996

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Word Perfect: Vocabulary for fluency

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Tree or three?

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The play of words

Richard Lederer
Pocket Book, 1990

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Test your vocabulary (2)

Peter Watcyn-Jones
Penguin, 1990

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Test your vocabulary (3)

Peter Watcyn-Jones
Penguin, 1990

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Test your vocabulary (1)

Peter Watcyn-Jones
Penguin, 1990

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In the picture : a first word book

Kate Petty
Award, 1992

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Two hundred mini-compositions to increase word power

D. Yeung, T. Luk
Hong Kong Educational, 1999

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College