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Questions and answers : book of facts

Ian Graham
Vineyard, 1996

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My science book of water

Neil Ardley
DK, 1991

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傑出青年協會 : 九七坦言

太平島, 1990

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The children’s book of the seas / Jenny Tyler

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Times illustrated science

Earlybird, 1996

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九七前後 : 香港的回顧與前膽:崇基學院四十五周年校慶學術演講文集

李沛良, 梁覺主編
中文大學, 1999

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麥兜十萬個為甚麼 : 社會文化篇.

黃巴士, 2000

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認識中國 : 政治經濟篇

香港教育圖書公司, 1996

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認識中國 : 文化社會篇

香港教育圖書公司, 1996

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陳錦華, 王志錚合編
三聯, 2001

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1001 Questions and answers

[Simon Mugford and Alexander Gordon Smith]
Armadillo, 2003

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Science on trial

by Jillian Powell
Pearson, 2002

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柳泳珍文 ; 吳晟鳳圖
傑克魔豆文化, 2005

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1000 things you should know about science

John Farndon
Grolier, 2000

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What about science & technology?

Steve Parker
Miles Kelly Publishing, 2004

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八度空間 : 社會科學的視角

香港中文大學社會科學院, 2011

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Science almanac

Time for kids
Time For Kids, c2012

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Tell me which?

Anna Southgate
Chancellor Press, c2014

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What if? : serious scientific answers to absurd hypothetical questions

Randall Munroe
John Murray, 2015

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How it works

國際中文版.. Live ABC互動英語教學集團, 希伯崙公司, 2014.10-

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College