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Polynomials and equations

K.T. Leung
Hong Kong University, 1992

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Mathematics of New Approach

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The Slide Rule

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Pure mathematics 1

S.L. Parsonson
Cambridge University Press, 1970

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Pure mathematics 2

S.L. Parsonson
Cambridge University Press, 1971

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You think you’ve got maths problems!

Loretta Taylor
Dale Seymour, 1980

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Refresher Mathematics (M.C.)

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Pure mathematics at A-Level

L.H. Clarke
Heinemann, 1990

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New mathenatics test paper

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Ordinary/`AO’Level additional mathematics

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New edition certificate additional mathematics

J. F. Talbert
Longman, 1984

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Conjecture & proof : an introduction mathematical thinking

D.D. Schwartz
Saunders, c1997

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University mathematics

Joseph Blakey
United, 1978

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Set theory and related topics

S. Lipschutz
McGraw-Hill, 1981

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Text on additional pure mathematics / H.M. Ho

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Loi & Tang secondary mathematics 1

T.S. Loi
Longman, 1988

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Suggested solutions to a course in pure mathematics

Youth Book Room, 1983

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Mathematics : the new golden age

K. Devlin
Penguin, 1988

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Life by the numbers

K. Devlin
Wiley, 1998

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香港教育, 1997

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College