2015 Mathematics extended part : HKDSE examination report and question papers (with marking schemes)
Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority
Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority, c2015
館藏地 | 索書號 | 現狀 |
Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority
Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority, c2015
館藏地 | 索書號 | 現狀 |
Mathematics (extended part) : Mock exam papers (module 1){????}
C. H. Lam
Pan Lloyds, 2015
館藏地 | 索書號 | 現狀 |
Tang Ming Chee, Mui Wai Kwong, Chan Mung Hung
Chung Tai Educational Press, 2015
館藏地 | 索書號 | 現狀 |
Score high in HKDSE mathematics (compulsory part) : conventional questions (volume 2){????}
Tang Ming Chee, Mui Wai Kwong, Chan Mung Hung
Chung Tai Educational Press, 2015
館藏地 | 索書號 | 現狀 |
M1 mathematics (calculus and statistics) (with solutions){????}
B.K. Yang
Ying Ka Publishing, 2015
館藏地 | 索書號 | 現狀 |