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A-Level physics : wave motion

C.S. Chong
Goodman, 1994

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Theory and problems of modern physics

Ronald Gautreau, William Savin
2nd ed.. McGraw-Hill, 1999

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An excellent guide to AL physics

Genique W.Y. Dik
Golden Crown, 2000

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Essence of physics : notes and exercises for HKALE

K.T. Chung
HK Educational Pub., 2000

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Advanced physics practical for TAS: laboratory report

by Raymond W.N. Chan
Radian, 2001

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Solutions to mastering advanced physics book 2 : waves

Raymond W. N. Chan
Radian Publishing Company, 2005

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Solutions to mastering advanced physics book 1 : mechanics

Raymond W. N. Chan
Radian Publishing Company, 2005

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Mastering advanced physics book 1 : mechanics

Raymond W. N. Chan
Radian Publishing Company, 2005

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Mastering advanced physics book 3 : electricity & electromagnetism

Raymond W. N. Chan
Radian Publishing Company, 2006

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Solutions to mastering advanced physics book 3 : electricity & electromagnetism

Raymond W. N. Chan
Radian Publishing Company, 2006

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Mastering advanced physics book 2 : waves

Raymond W. N. Chan
Radian Publishing Company, 2005

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Mastering advanced physics book 4 : matter

Raymond W. N. Chan
Radian Publishing Company, 2006

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Solutions to mastering advanced physics book 4 : matter

Raymond W. N. Chan
Radian Publishing Company, 2006

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College