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Fun with science : Light

Brenda Walpole
Kingfisher, [n.d.]

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Light & color

M. Minnaert
Dover, 1954

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The world of the microscope

Chris Oxlade
Usborne, 1989

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Waves and optics

J. Beynon
Macmillan, 1988

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Candles to lasers

written by Lorain Day
Macmillan, 2000

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Frightening light

Nick Arnold
Hippo, 1999

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Light and shade

Susanna Daniel
Pearson, 2004

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Seeing is not believing

Jeffrey Fuerst
Pearson, 2004

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Vampires and light

by Jody Jensen Shaffer ; illustrated by Gervasio
Capstone Press, c2013

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College