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Chemical Calculations

Simon W. Chu
Mill & Dale, [n.d.]

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The chemsitry of matter

James B. Pierce
Houghton Miffin, [n.d.]

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Comprehensive Chemical Calsulations and Concepts

T.K. Lam
Hoffman, [n.d.]

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Effective Multiple Choice Chemsitry

S.L. Law
Educational, [n.d.]

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Effective Multiple Choice Chemsitry

S.L. Law
Educational, [n.d.]

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Gems and Jewels

Orbis Books, [n.d.]

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HKCEE Chemsitry Revision

by W.L. Chiu
Educational, [n.d.]

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HKCEE chemsitry revision

by W.L. Chiu
Educational, 1995

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ILPAC : I1 s-block elements

John Murray, 1983

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ILPAC : O1 hydrocarbons

John Murray, 1983

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ILPAC : P2 equilibrium I principles

John Murray, 1983

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ILPAC : P3 equilibrium II acids & bases

John Murray, 1983

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ILPAC : S2 atomic structure

John Murray, 1983

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ILPAC : S1 the mole

John Murray, 1983

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ILPAC : S3 chemcial energetics

John Murray, 1983

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ILPAC : S4 bonding and structure

John Murray, 1983

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Chemical principles

Boikess & Edelson
2nd edition.. Harper & Row, 19--

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Molecular movies

ChemLibris, c1998

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College