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Symphony no.4 : academic festival overture

Johannes Brahms
Pacific Music, 1988

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Symphony no.4 「Romantic」

Anton Bruckner
Pacific Music, 1988

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Berlioz : Symphonie Fantastique

Naxos, 1988

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Wagner: Ouvertures & Preludes Boult

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Gustav Mahler

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Debussy : La Mer/ Nocturnes/ Preude A L’Apres-Midi D’Un Faune

IMP, 1989

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Bach: The Well-tempered Clavier, Book II

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Peter and the Wolf Carnival of the Animals

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Beethoven and his nine symphonies

George Grove
Dover, 1962

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Sound Spectacular

DECCA, 1972

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Weekend in Vienna : Strauss favourites : Vienna Philharmonic – Boskovsky

London, 1970

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Symphony no.4 「Italian」

Felix Mendelessohn
HNH, 1987

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Symphonies no.1 「Spring」, 「Rhenish」

Robert Schumann
HNH, 1991

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Symphony no.5

Jean Sibelius
HNH, 1990

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Symphonies nos. 5&6 「Pastoral」

Ludwig Van Beethoven
UNITEL, 1979

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One night only

Bee Gees
Panoram, 1998

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College