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Arthur Miller’s Death of a Saleman and all my sons

Arthur Miller
Monarch, [n.d.]

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Death of a Saleman

Joan Thelluson Nourse
Monarch, [n.d.]

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Death of a Salesman and all my son

Arthur Miller
Monarch, [n.d.]

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The emperor Godiva

Pentland Hick
Samuel, [n.d.]

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Julius Caesar

John Hampden
Nelson, [n.d.]

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Julius Caesar

Frances Borasch
Monarch, [n.d.]

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Julius Caesar

W. Shakespeare
Cambridge University Press, 1988

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Julius Caesar

W. Shakespeare
Longman, 19--

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Julius Casesar

T.S. Dorsch
Methuen, [n.d.]

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The merchant Of Venice

John Russel Broun
Methuen & Co.Ltd, [n.d.]

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The merchant of Venice

William Shakespeare, Bernard Lott
Longman, 1964

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A midsummer Night Dream

Cambridge, [n.d.]

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A midsummer Night’s Dream

James L. Roberts
coles, [n.d.]

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Three Shakespeare Tragedies

Macmillan, 1967

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Migical scenes from Shakespeare’s : a midsummer night’s dream

abridged by Martin Coles and Christines Hall ; illustrated by Martin Ursall
Longman, 1988

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Supernatral scenes from Shakespeare’s Macbeth

abridged by Christine Hall and Martin Coles ; illustrated by Martin Ursall
Longman, 2002

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College