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An illustrated history of modern Europe 1789-1984

Denis Richards
7th edition.. Longman, c1977

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Aspects of European History 1789-1980

Stephen J. Lee
University Paperbacks, [n.d.]

館藏地 索書號 現狀

Aspects of European history 1789-1980

Stephen J. Lee
Routledge, c1982

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Barricades and borders : Europe 1800-1914

Robert Gildea
Oxford University Press, c1987

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Certificate World History 1855-1921

Hang-Kin Cheung
Youth Bookroom, [n.d.]

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The early modern age

Scott and Hilary Harrison
Macmillan, c1989

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Eighteenth-century Europe

Leonard W. Cowie
Bell & Hyman, c1963

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The end of the European era, 1890 to the present

Felix Gilbert
4th edition.. W.W. Norton & Company, c1991

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Europe 1815-1870

by Peter Catterall, Richard Vinen
Heinemann, c1994

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Europe 1815-1960

Anthony Wood
2nd edition.. Longman, c1964

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Europe 1870-1914

by Peter Catterall, Richard Vinen
Heinemann, c1994

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Europe : from the Renaissance to Waterloo

by Robert Ergang
D.C. Heath and Company, c1967

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Europe Since Napoleon

David Thomson
Penguin Books, [n.d.]

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Europe Since Napoleon

David Thomson
Pelican, [n.d.]

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Europe Transformed 1878-1919

Norman Stone
Fontana, c1983

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Europe in the nineteenth century 1789-1905

Agatha Ramm
Longman, [n.d.]

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European alliances and alignments 1871-1890

William L. Langer
Greenwood Press, 1977

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The european world 1870-1975

by T.K. Derry and T.L. Jarman
Bell & Hyman, c1950

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Foundations of modern Europe : 1789-1871

M.E. Barlen
Bell & Hyman, c1968

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HKCEE history 1815-1919 multiple choice questions

Kinson Leo
Educational Publishing House, 1991

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College