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Batman forever

by Peter David
Warner, 1995

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Detective stories 1

Jim Davidson
Witman, 1989

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Star Wars 2 : the lost city of the Jedi

Paul Davids
Bantam Skylark, 1992

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Star Wars 4 : mission from Mount Yoda

Paul Davids
Nabtam Skylark, 1993

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Star Wars 3 : Zorba the Hutt’s revenge

Paul Davids
Bantam Skylark, 1992

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The man with no name

E. Davies
Heinemann, 1992

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Star wars : Zorba the Hutt’s revenge

P. Davids
Bantam, 1992

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The glove of darth vader

P. Davids
Bantam, 1992

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The lost city of the Jedi

P. Davids
Bantam, 1992

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Helen Keller’s teacher

Margaret Davidson
Scholastic, 1965

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Garfield and the teacher creature

created by Jim Davis; written by Jim Kraft; designed and illustrated by Mike Fentz
Troll, 1998

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Garfield and the beast in the basement

created by Jim Davis; written by Jim Kraft; designed and illustrated by Mike Fentz
Troll, 1998

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Peter David
The Ballantine Publishing Group, 2002

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When second graders attack

by Lawrence David
Puffin Books, 2002

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The cupcaked crusader

by Lawrence David
Puffin Books, 2002

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The most evil, friendly villain ever

by Lawrence David
Puffin Books, 2004

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The invasion of the shag carpet creature

by Lawrence David
Puffin Books, 2004

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To catch a clownosaurus

by Lawrence David
Puffin Books, 2003

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The terror of the pink dodo balloons

by Lawrence David
Puffin Books, 2003

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College