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Keith Gray
Mammoth, 1996

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The crystal

Wendy Graham
Macmillan, 1997

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The wind in the willows

Kenneth Grahame
Oxford, 1992

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Journey to the centre of the Earth

Elizabeth Gray
Express publishing, 1999

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adapted from the novel by Dewey Gram
Penguin, 2001

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Nelly : the monster sitter

Kes Gray
Hodder Children's Book, 2005

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The wind in the willows

Kenneth Grahame
商務印書館, 2006

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The midnight library : I can see you

Damien Graves
Scholastic, 2006

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The midnight library liar

Damien Graves
Scholastic, 2006

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The midnight library : shut your mouth

Damien Graves
Scholastic, 2006

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The midnight library : blood and sand

Damien Graves
Scholastic, 2006

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College