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Chemistry and the living organism

Molly M. Bloomfield, Lawrence J. Stephens
John Wiley & Sons, c1996

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Chemistry and our world

Charles G. Gebelein
WCB, c1997

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Chemistry : the central science

Theodore L. Brown, H. Eugene LeMay, Bruce E. Bursten
8th ed.. Prentice-Hall, 2000

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Chemistry in context

Graham Hill and John Holman
5th ed. Nelson, 2000

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Chemistry in context

Graham C. Hill and John S. Holman
4th ed. Nelson, 1995

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Chemistry the easy way

Joseph A. Mascetta
Barron's, 2000

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Chemistry : M.C. questions for the H.K.C.E.E.

C.W. Lo
Aristo, 2004

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Chemistry : science of change

David W. Oxtoby, Wade A. Freeman, Toby F. Block
Thomson , 2003

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Chemistry : structural questions for the H.K.C.E.E.

C.W. Lo
Aristo, 2004

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Chemistry : 1992-2005 GCE ALevel worked solutions

Project editor S.Chua
Redspot, 2006

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Chemistry : a systmatic apporach : multiple choice questions for HKCEE 1

W. L. Wong
Solar Educational Press Ltd, 2005

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Chemistry : a systmatic apporach : multiple choice questions for HKCEE 2

W. L. Wong
Solar Educational Press Ltd, 2005

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Chemistry animations

animations by John I. Gelder, Nancy S. Gettys and Judd A. Wheeler
Oklahoma State University, c1994, 1998

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Chemistry set 2000

published by New Media in association with Nottingham University and the British Educational Communications and Technology Agency
New Media Press, 2001

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Chemistry in the Kitchen

by Glen Phelan
Benchmark Education, 2006

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Chemistry in medicine

by Karolyn Kendrick
Benchmark Education, 2006

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Chemistry (tropical) : 1996-2008

Redspot Publisdhing
Redspot, 2008

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Chemistry (paper 4) : alternative to practical : 1994-2008

Redspot Publishing
Redspot, 2009

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The Chemistry of food and nutrition

by A. W. Duncan
[CreateSpace], 2012

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Chemistry in one week : compulsory part

Eric Ng, Pansy Wong
Hong Kong Joint-Us Press Limited, 2011

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College