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Python crash course : a hands-on, project-based introduction to programming

byEric Matthes
No Starch Press, 2016

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Impractical python Projects : playful programming activities to make you smarter

Lee Vaughan
No Starch Press, 2019

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Artificial intelligence For dummies

John Paul Mueller, Luca Massaron
John Wiley & Sons, 2018

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Excel data analysis for dummies

Paul McFedries
John Wiley & Sons, 2019

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Beginning programming with Python for dummies

by John Paul Mueller
John Wiley & Sons, 2018

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Programming the BBC micro:bit : getting started with MicroPython

Simon Monk
McGraw-Hill Education, 2018

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Hacking the hacker : learn from the experts who take down hackers

Roger A. Grimes
Wiley, 2017

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Girls who code : learn to code and change the world

Reshma Saujani
Viking, 2017

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Anil Maheshwari著 ; [徐瑞珠]譯
{????}峰資訊, 2017

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從零開始的YouTuber實戰養成教室 : 17項塑造優質自媒體的關鍵法則

Gyueen Tokugawa著, 林克鴻譯
尖端出版, 2021

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College