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Executive English

Philip Binham
Longman, [n.d.]

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First New Certificate English

Wu Wing Yiu
G & E, [n.d.]

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First remedial English I

Garland Lai
G & E, 1980

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Forward ! A Course in Everyday Spoken English in Hong Kong Student Book

Peter B
Chinese University, [n.d.]

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Forward ! A Course in Everyday Spoken English in Hong Kong Student Book

Peter B
Chinese University, [n.d.]

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Get your English right

Christopher Fry
Longman, [n.d.]

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Graded English Practice Book Five

M. Morgan
F.E.P., [n.d.]

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Graded Exercises in English 1

F. Ridout
Witman, [n.d.]

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A grammar of Contemporary English

Randolph Quirk
Longman, 1972

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Guide to Patterns and Usage in English

A.S. Horaby
ELBS, [n.d.]

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Guide to contemporary English usage

Sphere Reference, [n.d.]

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A handbook of English

T.C. Lai
Commercial, 1992

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How to prepare for the test of standard writing English

Sharon Green
Barrars, [n.d.]

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The key to English Prepositions 1

Collier Macmillan, [n.d.]

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Key to Practice in the Use of English

John Millington
Longman, [n.d.]

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Living English 1

Fr. d. Taylor
H.E.P., [n.d.]

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Living English 2

Fr.D. Taylor
H.E.P., [n.d.]

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Longman English grammar

L.G. Alexander
Longman, 1988

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Longman English-Chinese Dictionary of Common Errors

J.B. Heaton
Longman, [n.d.]

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Mastering English Practice Papers

Ronald Ridout
Macmillan, [n.d.]

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College