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Dracula : 吸血殭屍

Bram Stoker
商務 , 2003

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A tale of two cities

Charles Dickens
商務 , 2006

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American horror

[Edgar Allan Poe]
商務 , 2003

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The tragedy of Dr Faustus

Christopher Marlowe
商務 , 2004

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The Canterbury tales : 坎特伯雷故事

Geoffrey, Chaucer
商務 , 2004

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A christmas carol : 小氣財神

[Charles Dickens]
商務 , 2003

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A midsummer night’s dream

[William Shakespeare]
商務 , 2003

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The last of the Mohicans

James Fenimore Cooper
商務 , 2003

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The big mistake and other stories

Bruna Deriu
商務 , 2003

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Washington square

Henry James
商務 , 2003

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Much ado about nothing

William Shakespeare
商務 , 2003

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College