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Amazon’s adventure

Ann Evans de Bernard
McGraw-Hill ESL/ELT, c2008

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Where the rainbow begins

Ann Evans de Bernard
McGraw-Hill ESL/ELT, c2008

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Jane Eyre

Charlotte Bronte
McGraw-Hill ESL/ELT, 2008

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Rob Roy

Walter Scott
McGraw-Hill ESL/ELT, 2008

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The silver coins

Terry Tomscha, Peggy Albers
McGraw-Hill ESL/ELT, 2008

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The art of racing in the rain

Garth Stein
HarperCollins , 2008

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Christopher Paolini
Laurel-Leaf , 2008

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The angel’s game

Carlos Ruiz Zafon ; translated by Lucia Graves
Orion Publishing, 2008

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The night I flunked my field trip

Henry Winkler and Lin Ouver
Walker books, 2008

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The zippity zinger

Henry Winkler and Lin Ouver
Walker books, 2008

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I got a 「d」 in salami

Henry Winkler and Lin Ouver
Walker books, 2008

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Day of the lguana

Henry Winkler and Lin Ouver
Walker books, 2008

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Holy enchilada!

cHenry Winkler and Lin Ouver
Walker books, 2008

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The scribes from Alexandria

Caroline Lawrence
Orion Children's books, 2008

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The secrets of Vesuvius

Caroline Lawrence
Orion Children's books, 2008

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The gladiators from Capua

Caroline Lawrence
Orion Children's books, 2008

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The charioteer of Delphi

Caroline Lawrence
Orion Children's books, 2008

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The colossus of Rhodes

Caroline Lawrence
Orion Children's books, 2008

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The revenge files of Alistair Fury : the kiss of death

by Jamie Rix
Corgi Yearling Books, 2008

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The descendants

Kaui Hart Hemmings
Vintage, c2008

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College