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This rough magic

Mary Stewart
OUP, 1991

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The mystery of the missing man

Enid Blyton
Mammoth, 1991

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Cam Jansen and the mystery of the U.F.O.

John Bellairs
Penguin, 1991

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水牛, 1991

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水牛, 1991

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This rough magic

Mary Stewart
OUP, 1991

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King of the wind

by Marguerite Henry
Aladdin, 1991

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Anneli : the art hater

Anne Fine
Mammoth, 1991

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Karen’s in love

Ann M. Marin
Scholasic, 1991

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Paul Jennings
Penguin Book, 1991

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The book of the banshee

Anne Fine
Puffin Books, 1991

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The peppermint pig

Nina Bawden
Puffin books, 1991

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The outside child : Puffin books, 1991.

Puffin books, 1991

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College