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Greg Mitchell
Macmillan, 1996

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a novel by Beth Nadler
Hyperion Paperbacks For Childen, 1996

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Thunderboit’s waxwork

Philip Pullman
Puffin Books, 1996

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The diary of the other health freak

Ann McPherson and Aidan Macfarlane
Oxford University Press, 1996

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Little Wolf’s book of badness

Ian Whybrow
Collins, 1996

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Brave new world

by Aldous Huxley
Longman, 1996

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Finds the clues

Donald J. Sobol
Dell Yearling, 1996

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Sophie’s world : a novel about the history of philosphy

Jostein Guarder
Berkley Books, 1996

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Aunt Nancy and the bothersome visitors

Phyllis Root ; illustrated by David Parkins
Walker Books, c1996

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College