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宮崎正勝著 ; 林鍵鱗譯
世潮, 2006

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Europe and the Cold War, 1945-91

David Williamson
Hodder Murray, 2006

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Ancient weapons : the story of weaponry and warfare through the ages

Will Fowler
Southwater, 2006

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二十世紀日本 : 從德川時代到現代

安德魯{????}戈登(Andrew Gordon)著 ; 李朝津譯
中文大學出版社, 2006

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Dragon rising

Robert Temple
National Geographic, 2006

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Ancient Rome and Pomoeii : a nonfiction companion to vacation under the volcano

by Mary Pope Osborne and Natalie Pope Boyce ; illustrated by Sal Boyce
Random House, 2006

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Scientific discovery in the renaissance

by Stacia Deutsch and Rhody Cohon
Benchmark Education, 2006

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Fighting the Vietnam war

Brian Fitzgerald
Raintree, 2006

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In the trenches in World War I

Adam Hibbert
Raintree, 2006

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Spying and the cold war

Michael Burgan
Raintree, 2006

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Under fire in world war II

Brian Fitzgerald
Raintree, 2006

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Struggling for civil rights

Stephanie Fitzgerald
Raintree, 2006

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Surviving the holocaust

Cath Senke
Raintree, 2006

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Pobert O. Paxton著 ; 陳美君, 陳美如譯
湯姆生, 2006

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How nearly everything was invented

written by Jilly Macleod
Dorling Kindersley Limited, 2006

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Step into the Chinese empire

Philip Steele
Southwater, 2006

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Peace and war : international relations 1943-1991

Steve Waugh, John Wright
Hodder Education, 2006

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The Russian Revolution and Soviet Union 1910-1991

Steve Waugh, John Wright
Hodder Education, 2006

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Who was William Shakespeare?

by Celeste Davidson Mannis ; illustrated by John O'Brien
Grosset & Dunlap, 2006

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Who was Louis Armstrong?

by Yona Zeldis McDonough ; illustrated by John O'Brien
Grosset & Dunlap, 2006

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College