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GCSE World History

Ed Rayner, Ron Stapley
2nd ed.. Longman, 1997

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Mastering modern European history

Stuart Miller
2nd edition.. MacMillan, 1997

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Silver light : a pictorial history of Hong Kong cinema 1920-1970

Paul Fonoroff
Joint Publishing (H.K.)Co.,Ltd, 1997

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Germany 1918-1945 : a study in depth

Greg Lacey, Keith Shephard
John Murray, 1997

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Intercultural reminiscences

Irene Cheng
Hong Kong Baptist University, 1997

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Anabel Kindersley
Dorling Kindersley, 1997

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The unexplained mysteries of the universe

Colin Wilson
DK, 1997

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God’s Chinese son

J. Spence
Flamingo, 1997

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From opium war to liberation

I. Epstein
China Today, 1997

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Stalinism and Nazism : dictatorships in Comparison

edited by Ian Kershaw and Moshe Lewin
Cambridge, 1997

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The lost diary of King Henry vlII’s executioner

discovered by Steve Barlow and Steve Skidmore
Collins, 1997

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The middle ages

written by Peter Chrisp
Two-Can, 1997

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Evolution & revolution : Chinese dress 1700s-1990s

Claire Roberts
Powerhouse publishing 1997

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College