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The gereat depression by the numbers

by Antonia E. Malchik
Benchmark Education, 2005

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World war II by the numbers

by Anna Keyes
Benchmark Education, 2005

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by Sunita Apte
Benchmark Education, 2005

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Alexander the great

by William Caper
Benchmark Education, 2005

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Egypt, Nubia, and Kush

by Toni Pavan
Benchmark Education, 2005

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George Washington

Lenny Hort
DK. Publishing, Inc., 2005

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Abraham Lincoln

Tanya Lee Stone
DK Publishing, Inc., 2005

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What about world wonders?

Brian Williams
Miles Kelly Publishing, 2005

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Aztec, Inca & Maya

written by Elizabeth Baquedano
DK Publishing Inc, 2005

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Days that shook the world : the complete series one

executive producer, Richard Bradley
BBC : Deltamac [distributor], c2005

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The Road to War. / ritten & narrated by Charles Wheeler.

BBC : Deltamac [distributor], c2005

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NILE : complete series

Series Producer, Martha Holmes
BBC : Deltamac [distributor], c2005

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小川英雄監修 ; 黃碧君譯
易博士文化, 2005

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Who was Ronald Reagan?

by Joyce Milton ; illustrated by Elizabeth Wolf
Grosset & Dunlap, 2005

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Who was Charles Darwin?

by Deborah Hopkinson ; illustrated by Nancy Harrison
Grosset & Dunlap, 2005

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College