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Cities in the sky : a beginner’s to living in space

S. Angliss
Franklin Watts, 1998

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Super humans : a beginner’s guide to cyborgs

S. Beecroft
Franklin Watts, 1998

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Future world : a beginner’s guide to life in the 21st century

S. Angliss
Franklin Watts, 1998

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牛津大學, 1998

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Eye on the universe : the moon

N. Walker
Crabtree, c1998

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國際少年村, 1998

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國際少年村, 1998

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國際少年村, 1998

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國際少年村, 1998

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Amazing mammals

written by Alexandra Parsons; photographed bt Jerry Young
DK, 1998

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The Usborne complete book of the microscope

Kirsteen Rogers; edited by Paul Dowswell; designed by Laura Fearn; illustrated by Kim Lane, Gary Bines and Peter Bull
Usborne, 1998

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Totally weird sea creatures

[Iqbal Hussain]
Two-Can Publishing, 1998

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College