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歷史與文化 : 香港史研究公開座文集

香港公共圖書館出版 , 2005

館藏地 索書號 現狀


Alexandra Powe Allred
Perfection Learning, 2005

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Alcohol tobacco, and grugs

Alexandra Powe Allred
Perfection Learning, 2005

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Disease prevention

Alexandra Powe Allred
Perfection Learning, 2005

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Personal hygiene

Alexandra Powe Allred
Perfection Learning, 2005

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Food for thought

written by Jennet Cole-Adams and Judy Gauld
Thomson Nelson, 2005

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by Judy Blume
Mzcmillan Children's books, 2005

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Chemistry experiments

Louis V. Loeschnig ; illustrated by Dave Garbot
Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., 2005

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小川英雄監修 ; 黃碧君譯
易博士文化, 2005

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The ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome : solving algebraic equations

Kerri O'Donnell
Rosen Classroom Books & Materials, c2005

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Climbing mount everest : understanding commutative, associative, and distributive properties

Therese Shea
Rosen Classroom Books & Materials, c2005

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Map math : learning about latitude and longitude using coordinate systems

Orli Zuravicky
Rosen Classroom Books & Materials, c2005

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Famous bridges of the world : measuring length, weight, and volume

Yolonda Maxwell
Rosen Classroom Books & Materials, c2005

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啓功著 ; 趙仁珪, 萬光治, 張廷銀編
中華書局(香港)有限公司, c2005

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啓功口述 ; 趙仁珪, 章景懷整理
中華書局(香港)有限公司, c2005

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The book thief

Markus Zusak ; with illustrations by Trudy White
Black Swan, c2005

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Never let me go

by Kazuo Ishiguro
Vintage Books, c2005

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The pig that wants to be eaten : 100 experiments for the armchair philosopher

Julian Baggini
Plume, c2005

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Gweilo :|Memories of a Hong Kong childhood{????}

Martin Booth
Bantam Books, 2005

館藏地 索書號 現狀

TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College