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Achieving Optimal Health

Rose Inserra
Blake Education, c2008

館藏地 索書號 現狀

Making smart choices about time management

Matthew Robinson
Rosen Central, 2008

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Talk about sex and puberty

Sarah Levete
Wayland, c2009

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Creative patchwork with applique and quilting

consultant editor, Louise Bugeni
ACP, 1998

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Mysterious places of the world

Ronald Pearsall
Todtri, 1999

館藏地 索書號 現狀

迢迢千里 : Green turtles in Hong Kong

作者陳堅峰 Simon Chan及漁農自然護理署
郊野公園之友會 : 天地圖書有限公司, 2003

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In search of the past : a guide to the antiquities of Hong Kong

Solomon Bard
the Urban Council, 1988

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雅莉珊卓{????}羅賓斯(Alexandra Robbins)著 ; 何修瑜譯
久周, 2006

館藏地 索書號 現狀

Making smart choices about cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol

Sandra Giddens and Owen Giddens
Rosen Central, 2008

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Making smart choices about food, nutrition, and lifestyle

Sandra Giddens and Owen Giddens
Rosen Central, 2008

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Making smart choices about violence, gangs, and bullying

Matt Monteverde
Rosen Central, 2008

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Making smart choices about relationships

Matthew Robinson
Rosen Central, 2008

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Generation T : 108 ways to transform a T-shirt

byMegan Nicolay
Wrokman Publishing, 2006

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Right on schedule! : A teer’s guide to groeth and development

by Jean Ford
Mason crest publishers, 2005

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The importance of physical activity and exercies : the fitness factor

by Autumn Libal
Mason crest publishers, 2006

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The truth about diets : the pros and cons

by Jean Ford
Mason crest publishers, 2006

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The best you can be : a teer’s guide to fitness and nutrition

by Christopher Hovius
Mason crest publishers, 2005

館藏地 索書號 現狀

Talk about internet crime

Sarah Levete
Wayland, 2009

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Talk about eating disorders and body image

Caroline Warbrick
Wayland, 2008

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Looking at drugs

Patsy Westcott
Wayland, 2009

館藏地 索書號 現狀

TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College