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The wall chart of world history

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World history 1260

K.Y. Chang
Goodman, 1988

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World history 1815-1918 QA

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World history 1815-1915 multiple-choic question

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World history 1815-1919 question and answer

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GCSE World History

Ed Rayner, Ron Stapley
Longman, 1988

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Years of change : European history 1890-1945

Robert Wolfson, John Laver
Hodder & Stoughton, c1996

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GCSE World History

Ed Rayner, Ron Stapley
2nd ed.. Longman, 1997

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European history 1789-1914

C.A. Leeds
M & E Handbooks, 1979

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Years of nationalism : European history 1815-1890

Leonard W. Cowie, Robert Wolfson
Hodder & Stoughton, 1985

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Mastering modern European history

Stuart Miller
2nd edition.. MacMillan, 1997

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The Usborne first History book / Jane Chisholm and Robyn Gee

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A short history of Germany 1815-1945

by E.J. Passant
Cambridge University Press, 1979

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20th century : a visual history

Simon Adams
Dorling Kindersley, 1996

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New certificate world history : revision notes and exercises volume 2

Liu Chung Nin
Hong Kong Educational, 1996

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New certificate world history : revision notes and exercises volume 1

Liu Chung Nin
Hong Kong Educational, 1996

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Virtual history : alternatives and counterfactuals

edited by Niall Ferguson
Papermac, 1998

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Exploring world history 1

Gordon King, Frank Owen
Ling Kee, 1999

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College