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Mathematics : the new golden age

K. Devlin
Penguin, 1988

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A-Level pure mathematics

D.J. Heath
Stanley Thornes, 1988

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Additional mathematics

Leo C.F. Leung
Yih Mei, 1988

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Loi & Tang secondary mathematics 2

Loi Ting Shiin, Tang Woon Wah
Longman, 1988

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Loi & Tang secondary mathematics 1

T.S. Loi
Longman, 1988

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Schaum’s 3000 solved problems in calculus

by Elliot Mendelson
McGrawHill, 1988

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Don Rubin
Harper Perennial, 1988

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Guide to linear algebra

by David Towers
Macmillan, 1988

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Elliott Mendelson
McGraw-Hill, 1988

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College