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Intermediate Mechanics Vol. 1

D. Humphrey
Longman, [n.d.]

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Intermediate Mechanics Vol. II

D. Humphrey
Longman, [n.d.]

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Light & color

M. Minnaert
Dover, 1954

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Materials and structure

Longman, 1980

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Stanley C.M. Leung
Delta, [n.d.]

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C.M. Leung
Delta, [n.d.]

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Stanley C. M. Leung, Susan Toole
Delta Press, [n.d.]

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Mechanics (for F.6 & F.7)

Stantley C.M. Leung
Delta, [n.d.]

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Mechanics, Indoors and Out

Fred T. Hodgson
McGowen-Maier, [n.d.]

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Motion and force

W. Bolton
Butterworths, 1980

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Mechanics and waves

Kenneth Leung
Fillans, 1996

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Waves and optics

J. Beynon
Macmillan, 1988

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Questions on electricity & magnetion (F.6 & F.7)

C.M. Leung
Delta Press, 1986

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Physical science : a unified approach

J. Schad
Brooks, 1996

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The young scientist book of electricity

Usborne, 1976

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SOS in space

Lewis Jones
Longman, 1976

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Longman, 1982

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W. Bolton
Butterworths, 1980

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Theoretical mechanics

M.R. Spiegel

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史蒂芬.霍金編著 ; 胡小明, 吳忠超合譯
藝文, 2001

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College