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The lost diary of Christopher Columbus’s lookout

caught by Clive Dickinson
Collins, 2000

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Albert Einstein

Frieda Wishinsky
DK. Publishing, Inc., 2005

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The life of Christopher Columbus

by Nicholas Saunders
School Specialty Publishing, 2006

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Mother Teresa : Saint of the Slums

Nina Morgan
Wayland, 1998

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Charles Darwin and the theory of Natural Selection

by Renne Skelton
Barron's Educational, 1987

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Coco Chanel and Chanel

David Bond
Exley, 1994

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The lost diary Of Queen Victoria’s undermaid

found by Alex Parsons
Collins, 1998

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Captain Cook & his exploration of the Pacific

Roger Morriss
Barron's Educational Series, 1998

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The Dalai Lama the leader of the exiled people of Tibet -and patient worker of world peace

Christopher Gibb
Exley, 1990

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Marie curie

Liz Gogerly
Hodder Children's books, 2001

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Thomas Edison

Paul Mason
Hodder Children's books, 2001

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Pope John Paul II : his life and work a pictorial record

George Bull
Purnell Books, c1982

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Meet Martin Luther King,Jr

by James T.de Kay
Random House, 2001

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Introducing Jesus

Anthony O'Hear and Judy Groves
Icon Books, 1994

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Li Ka Shing Hong Kong’s elusive billionaire

Anthony B. Chan
Oxford University Press, 2005

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Scientists and discoveries

Robert Snedden
Heinemann Library , 2007

館藏地 索書號 現狀

TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College