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72 Derwents and other stories

selected by Anne Hanzl; illustraed by Kikitsa Michalantos
Bookshelf, 1989

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七版. 賴永祥, 1989

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An alien spring

by Anne Schraff
Perfection Learning, 1989

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The ghost boy

by Anne Schraff
Perfection Learning, 1989

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The Modern World: themes in twentieth-century world history

Chris Jordan and Tim Wood
John Murray, 1989

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重慶, 1989

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A brief history of time : form the big bang to black holes

Stenphen W. Hawking ; introduction by Carl Sagan ; illustrations by Ron Miller
Bantam Books, 1989

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Two weeks with the queen

Morris Gleitzman
Puffin, 1989

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Selby : screams

Duncan Ball
Angus & Robertson, 1989

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Writing music for hit songs

Jai Josefs
Schirmer Trade Books, 1989

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Grammar in use : intermeditate : self-study reference and practice for students of English

Raymond Murphy
Cambridge University press, 1989

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現代中國詩選 1

鄭樹森, 楊牧編
洪範, 1989

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Number the stars

Lois Lowry
Bantam Doubleleday Dell Books for young readers, 1989

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九歌, 1989

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九章, 1989

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College