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Your unlimited personality quiz : 500 fun and fascinating question

Dorothy McCoy
Sourcebooks, Inc, 2009

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我在伊朗長大 : 捉迷藏

Marjane Satrapi著; 馬愛農, 左濤譯
三聯書店 2009

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A gift to my children : a father’s lessons for life and investing

Jim Rogers
Random House, 2009

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When everything changes : change everything

Neale Donald Walsch
Hodder & Stoughton, 2009

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Globalization : a very short introduction

Manfred B. Steger
2nd edition.. Oxford University Press, 2009

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Global warming : a very short introduction

Mark Maslin
2nd edition.. Oxford University Press, 2009

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The personal efficiency program : how to stop feeling overwhelmed and win back control of your work!

Kerry Gleeson
4th edition.. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2009

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What I wish I knew when I was 20 : a crash course on making your place in the world

Tina Seelig
HarperOne, 2009

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Error nomics : why we make mistakes and what we can do to avoid them

Joseph T. Hallinan
Ebury Press, 2009

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Globalization : the irrational fear that someone in China will take your job

Bruce C. Greenwald and Judd Kahn
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2009

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College