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Follow your heart: finding a purpose in your life and work

written and illustrated by Andrew Matthews
Seashell Publishers Pty Ltd, 2015

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50 Biology Ideas You Really Need to Know

J. V. Chamary
Quercus Publishing, 2015

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Rosamund Lupton
Piatkus, 2015

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The 50 states : Explore the U.S.A. with 50 Fact-filled Maps!

Gabrielle Balkan, illustrated by Sol Linero
Wide Eyed Editions , 2015

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The Heart of Midlothian{????}

Walter Scott ; Margaret Elphinstone ; Ken Laidlaw
Real Reads 2015

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Mathematics (extended part) : Mock exam papers (module 1){????}

C. H. Lam
Pan Lloyds, 2015

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Score high in HKDSE mathematics (compulsory part) : Conventional questions (volume 2) (with suggested solutions)

Tang Ming Chee, Mui Wai Kwong, Chan Mung Hung
Chung Tai Educational Press, 2015

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Score high in HKDSE mathematics (compulsory part) : conventional questions (volume 2){????}

Tang Ming Chee, Mui Wai Kwong, Chan Mung Hung
Chung Tai Educational Press, 2015

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M1 mathematics (calculus and statistics) (with solutions){????}

B.K. Yang
Ying Ka Publishing, 2015

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College