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AUTHOR Churchill, E. Richard.
TITLE 365 個簡單有趣的科學遊戲 / E. Richard Churchill, Louis V. Loesching, Muriel Mandell作 ; 林佳蓉譯.
IMPRINT 臺北市 : 方智, 1999.
DESCRIPTION 286 p : col. ill ; 20 cm.
SERIES 方智叢書 51.
NOTE 譯自 : 365 simple science experiments with everyday materials.
SUBJECT Science.
OTHER AUTHOR Loesching, Louis V.
OTHER AUTHOR Mandell, Muriel.
ISBN 9576796407.

Location Call Number Status
Chi Coll 中文書架 303.4 2057 c.1 Processing
Chi Coll 中文書架 303.4 2057 c.2 Available
Chi Coll 中文書架 303.4 2057 c.3 Processing
Chi Coll 中文書架 303.4 2057 c.4 Available
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