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AUTHOR Altrichter, Herbert.
TITLE 行動研究方法導論: 教師動手做研究 / Herbert Altrichter, Peter Posch, Bridget Somekh著 ; 夏林清, 中華民國基層教師協會譯.
IMPRINT 台北市 : 遠流, 1997.
DESCRIPTION 277 p. ; 23 cm.
NOTE 譯自: Teachers investigate their work: an introduction to the methods of action research.
SUBJECT 教育 -- 研究方法.
DISCIPLINE Teacher's Reference.
OTHER AUTHOR Peter, Posch.
OTHER AUTHOR Somekh, Bridget.
OTHER AUTHOR 中華民國基層教師協會譯.
ISBN 9573233371.

Location Call Number Status
Staff Coll 520.31 0737 Available
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