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TITLE 傳媒風 : 傳媒的價値與運作 / 作者張圭陽.
IMPRINT 香港 : 香港教育圖書 , 2006.
DESCRIPTION 173 p. : ill ; 22 cm.
SERIES Liberal.
SUBJECT Mass media social aspects -- Hong Kong.
SUBJECT 今日香港(傳媒).
SUBJECT 今日香港(價値).
DISCIPLINE Chinese Language.
DISCIPLINE Teacher's Reference.
ISBN 9882001130.

Location Call Number Status
LS resource withdrawn (3/F) 541.83 1123 c.2 Withdrawn / Closed stack
LS resource withdrawn (3/F) 541.83 1123 c.3 Withdrawn / Closed stack
Student Collection under Review 541.83 1123 c.1 Withdrawn / Closed stack
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