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TITLE 頑石 ? 點頭 : 科學家的思考藝術 II / 布洛克曼(John Brockman), 馬遜(Katinka Matson)編.
IMPRINT 香港 : 商務印書館, 2006.
DESCRIPTION 148 p. ; 20 cm.
SERIES 通識閱讀.
SUBJECT Science -- Methodology -- Miscellanea.
SUBJECT Thought and thinking -- Miscellanea.
SUBJECT 個人成長與人際關係.
SUBJECT 獨立專題探究 (IES).
DISCIPLINE Chinese Language.
DISCIPLINE Teacher's reference.
OTHER AUTHOR 布洛克曼(Brockman,John).
OTHER AUTHOR 馬遜(Matson, Katinka).
ISBN 9620717813.

Location Call Number Status
Chinese Extensive Reading Scheme Coll 中文廣泛閱讀 300 1128 c.1 Withdrawn
LS resource relocation (5/F) 300 1128 c.2 Withdrawn / Closed stack
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