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AUTHOR 朱立安{????}巴吉尼(Baggini Julian).
TITLE 自願被吃的豬 : 100個讓人想破頭的哲學問題 / 朱立安{????}巴吉尼(Julian Baggini)著 ; 黃煜文譯.
IMPRINT 台北市 : 麥田, 2006.
DESCRIPTION 317 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
SERIES 哲學小徑 ; 03.
NOTE LS resource centre.
NOTE 譯自: The pig that wants to be eaten: and ninety-nine other thougth experiments.
ISBN 9789861731650.

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LS resource withdrawn (3/F) 100 1066 Withdrawn / Closed stack
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