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AUTHOR 力克{????}胡哲(Vujicic, Nick.).
TITLE 人生不設限 : 我那好得不像話的生命體驗 / 力克{????}胡哲(Nick Vujicic)著 ; 彭蕙仙譯.
IMPRINT 台北市 : 永青文化, 2010.
DESCRIPTION 161 p. : col. ill. ; 23 cm.
SERIES 方智叢書 ; 199.
NOTE 譯自: Life without limits: inspiration for a ridiculously good life.
SUBJECT 個人成長與人際關係.
DISCIPLINE Chinese Language.
DISCIPLINE Liberal Studies.
DISCIPLINE Teacher's Reference.
ISBN 9789861752068.

Location Call Number Status
Chinese Extensive Reading Scheme Coll 中文廣泛閱讀 249.9 5544 c.3 Available
LS resource relocation (5/F) 249.9 5544 c.1 Withdrawn / Closed stack
LS resource relocation (5/F) 249.9 5544 c.2 Withdrawn / Closed stack
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