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AUTHOR 亨瑞克{????}費克塞斯(Fexeus, Henrik).
TITLE 看人看到骨子裏 : 瑞典讀心術大師教你掌握人心,洞悉人性 / 亨瑞克{????}費克塞斯(Henrik Fexeus)著 ; 吳書榆譯.
IMPRINT 台北市 : 方智, 2010.
DESCRIPTION 238 p. : ill ; 23 cm.
SERIES 自信人生 ; 088.
NOTE 譯自: The art of reading minds:how to understand ard influence others without them noticing.
SUBJECT 個人成長與人際關係.
DISCIPLINE Teacher's Reference.
ISBN 9789861751801.

Location Call Number Status
LS resource relocation (5/F) 173.7 5494 Withdrawn / Closed stack
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