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AUTHOR 哈利{????}鄧特二世(Dent, Harry S.).
TITLE 2010大崩壞 : 更大一波的蕭條即將來襲! = the great depression ahead : how to prosper in the crash following the greatest boom in history / 哈利{????}鄧特二世(Harry S. Dent)著 ; 陳琇玲譯.
IMPRINT 台北市 : 商周出版, 2009.
DESCRIPTION 334 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
SERIES 新商業周刊叢書 ; 306.
NOTE 譯自: The great depression ahead : how to prosper in the crash following the greatest boom in history.
DISCIPLINE Teacher's reference.
ISBN 9789866472305.

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