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AUTHOR 艾思滔(Stokes, Edward).
TITLE 香城故影 = Hedda Morrison's photographs 1946-47 / 艾思滔(Edward Stokes)著 ; 陳杏如(Jennifer Chan)譯.
IMPRINT 香港 : 歷史遺珍攝影基金會,香港大學出版社, 2011.
DESCRIPTION 215 p. : ill. ; 27 cm.
SERIES The Photographic Heritage Foundation Series ; 3.
SUBJECT Morrison, Hedda.
SUBJECT Hong Kong (China) -- Social aspects -- 1946-1947.
OTHER AUTHOR 陳杏如(Chan, Jennifer).
ISBN 9789888028375.

Location Call Number Status
Chi Coll 中文書架 957.6 9302 Available
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