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The hound of the Baskervilles : from the story by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

retold by Henry Brook
Usborne Classics, 2003

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Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

Arthur Conan Doyle
OUP, 1982

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The returen of Sherlock Holmes

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Longman, 1987

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Three adventures of Sherlock Holmes

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Longman, 1987

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Futher adventures of Sherlock Holmes

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Oxford University, 1992

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The return of Sherlock Holmes

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Pearson, 2000

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Classic detective stories

Clarence Rook, Arthur Conan Doyle, Charles Dickens, Gilbert Keith Chesterton
商務印書館, 2006

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Sherlock Holmes : the complete novels and stories : volume I

Arthur Conan Doyle ; with an introduction by Loren Estleman
Bantam Classic, 2003

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Sherlock Holmes : the complete novels and stories : volume II

Arthur Conan Doyle ; with an introduction by Loren Estleman
Bantam Classic, 2003

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Sherlock : a study in pink

adapted by Paul Shipton
Scholastic, 2012

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The extraordinary cases of sherlock holmes

Sir Arthur Conna Doyle
Puffin Book, 1994

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The adventures of Sherlock Holmes

Srthur Conan Coyle
OUP, 1981

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The hound of the Baskervilles

retold by Patrick Nobes
Oxford University, 2001

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Sherlock : the sign of three

adapted by Fiona Beddall
Scholastic, 2015

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College