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Babe : the film storybook

by Dick King-Smith
Puffin, 1995

館藏地 索書號 現狀

Find the white horse

Dick King-Smith
Penguin, 1993

館藏地 索書號 現狀

Find the white horse

Dick King-Smith
Penguin, 1993

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The witch of blackberry bottom

Dick King-Smith
Puffin Books, 2000

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Lady Daisy

Dick King-Smith
Puffin Books, 1993

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The sheep-pig and ace

Dick King-Smith
Puffin Books, c2000

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The merman

Dick King-Smith
Puffin Books, 1998

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Dodos are forever

Dick King-Smith
Puffin Books, c1990

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Treasure trove

Dick King-Smith
Puffin Books, c1998

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The merrythought

Dick King-Smith
Puffin Books, c1994

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Jungle jingles and other animal poems

Dick King-Smith
Ramdom House, 2002

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The sheep-pig

Dick King-Smith
Pearson, 2001

館藏地 索書號 現狀

The sheep-pig

Dick King-Smith
Puffin Books, 1999

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Martin’s mice

Dick King-Smith ; illustrated by Jez Alborough
A Dell Yearling Book, 2001

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The crowstarver

Dick King-Simth
Corgi Books, 1999

館藏地 索書號 現狀

TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College