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Tales form Shakespeare

seven lays presented and illustrated by Marcia Williams
Scholastic Inc, 1998

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William Shakespeare
商務印書館, 2006

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The taming of the shrew

William Shakespeare
McGraw-Hill ESL/ELT, 2006

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Stories from shakespeare

2retold by Anne Collins
Pearson, 2000

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The Tempest : a Shakespeare story

retold by Andrew Matthews ; illustrated by Tony Ross
Orchard Books, 2002

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Stories from Shakespeare’s comedies

retold by Kathering Mattock
Oxford, 1994

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Tales From Shakespeare

Charles and Mary Lamp ; abridged and simplified by S. E. Paces
Ling Kee Publishing, 2003

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A midsummer night’s dream and other stories

edited by David Foulds
Oxford, 1992

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Romeo and Juliet

[William Shakespeare]
商務印書館, 2006

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College