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ABC’S of the human body

Alma E. Guinness
Reader's Digest, 1986

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Anatomy, physiology and hygiene

Janet K. Raeburn
4th edition.. John Murray, c1969

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A concise human biology and hygiene

P.M. Minett
Mills & Boon, c1973

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Dealing with headaches

Wendy Murphy
Time-Life, c1982

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Energy and Life abal Unit 3

Cambridge University, [n.d.]

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Essentials of physiology

J.F. Lamb, I.A. Johnston
Blackwell, 1984

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The facts of Life

Jonathan Miller
Jonathan Cape, [n.d.]

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Focus on man

Sylvia Chaplin
Arnold-Wheaton, 1982

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Hamlyn all colour book of the body

John Farndon
Hamlyn, 1985

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The healthy heart

Arthur Fisher
Time-Life, c1981

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Comprehensive notes on human biology

Tse Kwok Wing
Greenwood, 1987

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Human biology

Robert Barrass
Heinemann, 1981

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Human biology

Ray Forma
Longman, c1986

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The human body

Hodder and Stoughton, 1984

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The human Body

Paul Lewis
Bantam Books, [n.d.]

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The human body

Hodder and Stoughton, 1984

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The human body

Jonathan Miller and David Pelham
Jonathan Cape, 1983

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The human Body

Arch Cape Press, 1989

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Illustrated human and social biology for Hong Kong

B.S. Beckett
Oxford, 1987

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Introduction to biodeterioration

Dennis Allsopp, Kenneth J. Seal
ELBS, 1986

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College