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Perspectives in human biology

Loren Knapp
Wadsworth, c1998

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How the body works

Steve Parker
Dorling Kindersley, 1999

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Human body

Kirsteen Rogers and Corinne Henderson
Usborne, 2001

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Human Body

editor Ann Baggaley
Dorling Kindersley, 2001

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Human Biology

Cecie Starr, Beverly McMillan
Brooks / Cole-Thomson Learning, c2005

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All about the body

Joanne Sinclair+
Pearson, 2004

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The human body

Mark Crocker
Horus Editions, 2000

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Body systems:

by Barbara A. Donovan
Benchmark Education, 2005

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Body systems and health

Ann Fullick
Heinemann Library , 2006

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100 things you should know about the human body

Steve Parker
Barnes & Noblk, 2003

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My first book on the human body : a visual guide to human anatomy

Little Brown and Company, 2004

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Cells, tissues, and organs

Donna Latham
Raintree, 2009

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The human body : cells, tissues, and skin

Douglas B. Light
Infobase Publishing, 2009

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The human body : illuminate how the body works

Reilly Kathleen M
Independent Publishers Group, 2008

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What makes me me?

Robert Winston
Dorling Kingdersley Limited, 2009

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Philip Ardagh
Scholastic, 2009

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Wow! human body

Richard Walker
Dorling Kindersley, 2010

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You are weird : your body’s peculiar parts and funny functions

written by Diane Swanson ; illustrated by Kathy Boake
Kids Can Press, c2009

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A day in the life of your body

Beverly McMillan
Barron's, c2011

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The basics of the human body

Anne Wanjie
Rosen Publishing, c2014

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TWGHs Wong Fut Nam College